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Line Dancing with Francisco Martinez

Saturday, April 1, 11:00 AM

Women's Twentieth Century Club, 5105 Hermosa Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90041

Download your own flyer here or read on for more information!

Join instructor Francisco Martinez for a one-hour introductory line dancing class. Pasadena Village's Cultural Activities Committee and the Women's Twentieth Century Club invite you to dance together with fellow older adults for a morning sure to be fun and energizing! Wear comfortable shoes. This class is intended for adults. All abilities welcome. Free for Village and WTCC members; $10 for guests. Register on the Event Calendar at or email

About Francisco Martinez

Francisco Martinez is a professional Dancer, Choreographer, Teacher Trainer and former dance studio owner with over 20 years’ experience in Ballroom, Salsa, Tango, Swing & Country. Francisco has had the amazing experience of visiting some of the most incredible areas of the world as an instructor and dancer. He has appeared in numerous films, TV commercials and stage productions, is the co-creator of a widely successful LA-style Salsa instruction curriculum, and a former Co-Director/Master Trainer of the College Ballroom Dance Training for aspiring instructors. He has performed with prestigious dance companies such as Salsa Brava, Roscoe’s Rascals and most recently with the acclaimed Patagonia Tango Company in Los Angeles. He currently teaches and hosts monthly Ballroom dances in Southern California.

About Pasadena Village

Pasadena Village is an intentional community of adults over 55 who support each other while living independently in their homes. Over 130 Members (and growing) engage in a robust calendar of member-led discussion groups, social activities, support groups, and educational programs.

Pasadena Village requires those who attend in-person gatherings be fully vaccinated, or have had a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours. 626 765 6037 / /


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